El Merk oil field is located at 300 km south east of Hassi Messaoud in the Berkine Basin area of Algerian Sahara in a remote, harsh desert location. El Merk central processing facility serves as a production HUB for the region. The CPF, constructed by Petrofac is for oil production and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) with an NGL train with a nominal capacity of 600 million standard cubic feet per day.
Salticom scope included the following services :
- Deployment, splicing, termination and testing of FO connections at CPF & BDV (14.000)
- Deployment of FO cables offsite (HMD - El Merk - Gassi Touil) including splicing, termination and testing
- Type approval of all the telecom systems (13)
- Engineering & supply of a satellite vehicle tracking & fleet management system
- Engineering & supply of satellite videoconferencing system
- Propagation study, frequency acquisition, FAT, IFAT assistance for VHF trunked MPT1327 radio system
- Engineering & supply of a VHF radio system for the construction phase