Ref Product Category Product Info Datasheet
Motorola DP1400 UHF 403-470MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP1400 VHF 136-174MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP2400 UHF 403-470MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP2400 VHF 136-174MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP2600 UHF 403-470MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP4800 UHF 403-470MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP4400 UHF 403-470MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP4400 VHF 136-174MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP4401 UHF 403-470MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP4401 VHF 136-174MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP4401 ATEX UHF 403-470MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique
Motorola DP4401 ATEX VHF 136-174MHz Radio transceivers > Portable radio Fiche technique

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(*) The purchase of these products is subject to license issued by relevant authority.